Saturday, July 18, 2009

Yay for bieng engaged

I am obviously a terrible blogger. Its been a month since I blogged last. So remember that guy Sam? We are engaged!!!! When he proposed he got down on one knee and asked "Honey, do you wanna get hitched for time and all eternity?" It was such a him thing to say. I love him so much. Of course I said yes. And my ring is beautiful. I love it. He keeps asking me if I'm sure I don't want a bigger one and I'm like yes baby I'm sure. I like the one I've got. We are getting married December 10th in the Billings Montana LDS temple. We are then having a ring ceremony/reception December 12th in Laramie WY. Then we are going to have an open house in SLC in January 2nd(Thats the plan at the moment anyways.) I went to SLC on Thursday and I went dress shopping. Well I found my dress!!!! I love it. Its so pretty. For those of you that would like to see what it looks like go to and click on gowns, then page 3 and its the first one. Since we can't let Sam see me in my dress until the wedding, if you want a picture of me in the dress you will have to email me. Well I gots to go but I promise I will get better about blogging!

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