Saturday, June 06, 2009

Counting my blessings

I am going to list some of the things in my life I consider blessings. Its always good to take the time to do this.

1. I have a great family who loves me.

2. I also have a great online family who loves me.

3. I am for the most part healthy

4. I have a roof over my head

5. I have some of the greatest friends a girl could ask for

6. I have a job

7. I have food

8. I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

9. I have a computer

10. There is a God in Heaven who loves me

11. All my "stuff" (I don't have a need to list everything I own but I do know that having them is a blessing so I just grouped it into one big category)

12. I get to go see Michelle in like a couple weeks!!!

13. You know pretty much everything in my life is a blessing this list could go on forever so I will stop now. :)

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